When actor Kangana Ranaut called out modern-day achievers for wearing "torn American jeans and rags", a section of the Internet was quick to remind her that she, too, was guilty of doing the same. On Wednesday, Kangana Ranaut shared a picture of three "ancient" women from India, Japan and Syria - each dressed in traditional clothes from their home countries. The three women, photographed in 1885, each became the first licensed woman doctor in their own country.
In her appreciation tweet for the women, Ms Ranaut said that she they represented not just "their individuality but their entire civilisation, cultures and nations."
She went on to criticise contemporary achievers, saying that they would prefer to get their pictures taken in torn jeans and "rags like blouses" instead of representing their own culture. "Today if such achievers are to be clicked they will all wear torn American jeans n rags like blouses, representing nothing but American marketing [sic]," she wrote.
Twitter users were quick to remind Ms Ranaut that in the past, she too has worn ripped jeans and Western clothes.
One Twitter user listed the foreign brands that the actor has sported to call out her hypocrisy in slamming "American marketing"
According to a report published by The World, a public radio programme and podcast, the women in the photographed shared by Ms Ranaut were students at the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania. The image now resides in the archives of Drexel University.