India's first cricket World Cup-winning captain Kapil Dev is all over social media after an advertisement featuring him went viral recently. The ad video showed Kapil Dev, who is known for his calm demeanor, imitating actor Ranveer Singh. The advertiser Cred is known to launch campaigns that explore the hitherto unexplored side of the celebrities – Rahul Dravid was previously turned into “Indiranagar ka gunda” and Jackie Shroff into a zumba instructor.
Interestingly, Ranveer is playing the cricketer's character in his next movie, titled 83. Kapil Dev tweeted the new video with the caption, “Heads, I'm fashionable. Tails, I'm still fashionable.”
Heads, I'm fashionable. Tails, I'm still fashionable.
— Kapil Dev (@therealkapildev) October 15, 2021
The video showed Kapil Dev in different settings. In the first, he is sitting for a photograph of “veteran” cricketers wearing an all-pink dress. And he is pumped-up and clapping.
Then, standing in gully during a match, he decides to field the ball – again in his all-pink dress. In the rest of the ad, he goes on to wear several outfits, including one that sparkles like silver and another one that has a gold-painted leg, armour and helmet. The outfits are reminiscent of some of Ranveer Singh's looks. The actor is known for his flamboyant sense of style.
The viral video has triggered a torrent of funny comments and memes on social media. It has been viewed over 1.7 million times on Twitter.
“Kapil Dev released Ranveer's biopic before Ranveer could release Kapil Dev's biopic. Legend for a reason,” said one user.
Kapil Dev released Ranveer's biopic before Ranveer could release Kapil Dev's biopic. Legend for a reason
— Sagar (@sagarcasm) October 15, 2021
“Kapil Dev's outfits in cred are more happening than weekend plans,” said another.
Kapil Dev's outfits in #cred are more happening than #weekendplans ???? ????@cred_club @therealkapildev @kunalb11
— Chitrak Shah (@ChitrakShivalik) October 16, 2021
“I think the BCCI should have allowed Kapil Dev's designer to design Indian Team Jersey for T20WC,” said a third user.
I think BCCI should have allowed Kapil Dev's designer to design Indian Team Jersey for T20WC
— Jitu (@JituGalani5) October 15, 2021
Here are more funny reactions to the video:
Ranveer Singh after watching kapil Dev's cred ad:-
— Mad king (@GJhamtani) October 16, 2021
Seeing Kapil dev memes all over my TL:
— Aarohi Tripathy ???????? (@aarohi_vns) October 16, 2021
After seeing #kapildev new adv
— Theironygirl (@SonamTr06005170) October 17, 2021
Meanwhile - #RanveerSingh
— @Sansaari_monk (@rishiiiijain) October 15, 2021
Now both Ranveer singh and Kapil dev can say to each other
Ranveer Singh will be playing the legendary cricketer in the upcoming movie 83. The movie is about India's triumph at the cricket World Cup in 1983 when they were crowned world champions for the first time.
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