This Article is From Sep 28, 2016

Katy Perry Tries To Vote Naked In This Hilarious Video, Madonna Joins In

Katy Perry Tries To Vote Naked In This Hilarious Video, Madonna Joins In
In the video Katy Perry tries to tell voters 'there is no dress code this election day.'
If this doesn't get Americans to go out on November 8 and vote, nothing else will.

On September 27, singer Katy Perry Instagrammed: "Tomorrow, I use my body as click bait to help change the world." She's done what she promised in this hilarious new video that urges US citizens to vote come election day - that's November 8 for USA.

The video, part of YouTube channel Funny Or Die's 'Everyone Votes campaign,' shows Katy Perry trying vote naked in an attempt to tell people 'there is no dress code this election day.' In other words - forget the trappings, it's your vote that really counts.

A photo posted by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on

And guess who she's already convinced? Madonna. "Im voting naked with Katy Perry!!" the singer wrote on Instagram about an hour ago.

A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on

It's all thanks to this video in which Katy, still in her night suit and last evening's now-smudged makeup, says: "This year you can look like shit when you vote." OK then.

She goes on to say she's briefly read the constitution and any just-out-of-bed look is fine when you're headed to the ballot box. And in Katy's case, because she sleeps naked, walking out in your birthday suit is fine too. Or is it?

Apparently not, the video goes no to explain. You see, any old clothes are fine, going unclothed isn't.

Watch the hilarious video below: