The Maha Kumbh Mela, a significant Hindu religious festival held every twelve years, will be observed in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, in 2025. Millions of pilgrims are anticipated to participate in this auspicious occasion, seeking spiritual renewal through ritual bathing at the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers.
Here's all you need to know, from the event's dates to its rich historical significance. The Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 will commence on January 13, 2025, with the Paush Purnima Snan and conclude on February 26, 2025, coinciding with Maha Shivratri.
Also Read| Maha Kumbh 2025: Know History, Location, Significance And More
Maha Kumbh Mela 2025: Important Bathing Dates
The Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 is going to be held at Prayagraj from January 13th, 2025 to February 26th, 2025. Here are the key dates for the event:
- January 13, 2025: Paush Purnima
- January 14, 2025: Makar Sankranti (First Shahi Snan)
- January 29, 2025: Mauni Amavasya (Second Shahi Snan)
- February 3, 2025: Basant Panchami (Third Shahi Snan)
- February 12, 2025: Maghi Purnima
- February 26, 2025: Mahashivratri (Final Snan)
These sacred bathing rituals, or Shahi Snans, are believed to purify the soul and wash away sins, making them the spiritual highlights of the event.
Maha Kumbh Mela 2025: Shahi Snan time
The timings for the shahi snan are allocated among the 13 akharas, accounting for the time needed to leave the camp, perform the ritual bath at the ghat, and return. Mahanirvani and Atal Akhara will be the first to commence the shahi snan, scheduled from 5:15 AM to 7:55 AM, with 40 minutes designated for the ritual. Following them, Niranjani and Anand Akharas have their allotted time from 6:05 AM to 8:45 AM, covering the entire process of departing, performing the snan, and returning.
Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 History
The origins of the Kumbh Mela are rooted in Hindu mythology, particularly the legend of Samudra Manthan, or the churning of the ocean. According to ancient scriptures, this cosmic event was a joint effort by the Devas (gods) and Asuras (demons) to obtain Amrit, the divine nectar of immortality.
During the churning, a Kumbh (pot) containing the sacred nectar emerged. To protect it from the Asuras, Lord Vishnu, in the guise of Mohini, took possession of the pot and fled. Along the way, a few drops of nectar fell at four locations- Prayagraj, Haridwar, Ujjain, and Nashik-sanctifying these sites. These places now host the Kumbh Mela in rotation, making them significant pilgrimage destinations.
Pilgrims to the Kumbh Mela primarily include ascetics, saints, sadhus, sadhvis, kalpvasis, and pilgrims from all walks of life. During the Kumbh Mela, a number of ceremonies take place; the traditional procession of Akharas called 'Peshwai' on elephant backs, horses and chariots, the shining swords and rituals of Naga Sadhus during 'Shahi Snaan', and many other cultural activities that attract millions of pilgrims to attend the Kumbh Mela.