This Article is From Jun 19, 2022

Man Addicted To Pepsi Says He Drank 30 Cans A Day For 20 Years

After one online session with a hypnotherapist, Mr Currie was cured and drank water for the first time in two decades.

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Andy Currie sipped estimated 219,000 cans of Pepsi over 20 years.

A supermarket worker in the United Kingdom who spent around $8,500 a year on guzzling 30 cans of Pepsi a day for 20 years said that he kicked his habit after turning to hypnotherapy. 

According to Newsweek, 41-year-old Andy Currie downed a litre of the fizzy drink every morning and drank a further nine litres a day. He sipped an estimated 219,000 cans of Pepsi - equating to almost 8,000 kg of sugar - since he developed his addiction in his 20s. 

Mr Currie said, “I've always loved the taste of a cold Pepsi. Nothing could beat it and I just got hooked. I work nights, so I always liked the sugar rush to keep me going. I'd go through four or five two-litre bottles of Pepsi every day.”

“Because I work at Tesco I could just buy it straight after work and take it home,” he added, as per the outlet. 


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The 41-year-old revealed that he spent $25 daily on the fizzy drink, amounting to around $8,500 per year. He admitted that he could have purchased a car every year with the “fortune” he has spent on his favourite soft drink. “I just needed to have it, as soon as I woke up I'd go to the fridge and pour myself a large glass of Pepsi and just carry on through the day,” he said.


Mr Currie decided drastic action was necessary after his weight soared to 266 pounds and doctors warned he was at risk of developing diabetes. Through exercise and diet, he did even manage to lose 28 pounds, but he still couldn't stop drinking Pepsi. 

The UK man said that he then contacted London-based therapist and hypnotist David Kilmurry, who identified Currie as having Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). Amazingly, just after one online session, Mr Currie was cured and drank water for the first time in two decades. In four weeks, he dropped a further 14 pounds and is remarkably more healthy, as per Newsweek


Mr Currie claimed, “I haven't touched them (Pepsi cans) in a month and don't plan to. I prefer water now. My wife Sarah says my skin looks better and I've got so much more energy.” 

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Mr David, on the other hand, said that he was “horrified” that the 41-year-old drank so much soda. "That was by far the worst sugar addiction I've ever heard of,” he added. The hypnotist also went on to explain that this kind of addiction is “very dangerous” and puts huge pressure on a person's vital organs. 
