This Article is From May 16, 2011

Man marries 107 women, fathers 185 kids

Nigeria: A Nigerian man now 87 years old has married 107 women, fathered 185 children and presently lives with 89 of his wives.

Faith healer Bello Maasaba, 87, has an extended family of over 5,000 people.
He said he had a revelation from God in the 1970s, telling him to take a string of wives.

"If it wasn't from God, I wouldn't have gone beyond two (wives)," he was quoted as saying.
Maasaba was arrested in September 2008 for marrying more than four wives. He was released after his wives said they had married him willingly.

The youngest of his 89 wives is just 19. He divorced 12 wives for disobeying him.

Of his 185 children, only 133 are living. When anyone of them falls sick, he bars from getting hospital treatment and relies on his skills as a healer.

