This Article is From Feb 13, 2015

Man on Cellphone Misses Spotting Endangered Whale Two Feet Away

Man on Cellphone Misses Spotting Endangered Whale Two Feet Away

Instragram photo by Eric J. Smith

Constantly on his cell phone, this unidentified man at Redondo Beach in California, USA, missed spotting a humpback whale, an endangered species, when it obligingly appeared right next to his sailboat.

But photographer Eric Smith didn't. He then share this photograph on Instagram on February 4 using the hashtag #ABC7Eyewitness.

Smith said that he was barely 50 feet away when he captured this moment while the man on the sailboat missed it completely.

"Hey dude! Stop texting. There's an enormous humpback whale two feet from your boat!" the caption read on Smith's post, which has received nearly 800 likes.

"A few weeks ago, a small private sailboat manoeuvered really close to the whales, and this guy on it was literally sitting in that position and never moved. He could have been texting his mom in the hospital for all I know, but I thought it sucked that he missed such a wonderful moment happening just two feet in front of him,"  Mr Smith told  ABC News.

Most Instagram users are feeling sorry for this man. So are we.
