A Mumbai-based co-founder of a travel luggage company has said Amazon India delivered him a smartphone when he had ordered only a mouthwash. Lokesh Daga said the package label on the delivered item was in his name but the invoice was in somebody else's. He said Amazon mistakenly delivered him a Redmi Note 4 and he has raised the issue with them through an email as well to get the smartphone sent its actual owner. However, the e-commerce giant isn't allowing Mr Daga to return the smartphone because the company's return policy doesn't allow it. Mr Daga's order - the mouthwash - fell under consumable products.
Mr Daga's Twitter profile says he is the co-founder of Nasher Miles, a manufacturer of luggage bags and accessories. His tweet has received several interesting responses.
One user said he should keep the smartphone and order the mouthwash from a neighbourhood store, while another asked Mr Daga to give the smartphone to him.
To the latter, Mr Daga said "nice try" but wondered what would happen to the person who ordered a smartphone and probably received a mouthwash.
The incident is being widely discussed on Twitter. Most people are sharing hilarious memes about it. Check out some of them below:
A Twitter user criticised Amazon India for its irresponsible service to Mr Daga, and cited his own example when his order was misplaced.
In June 2020, a man said on Twitter that he ordered a skin lotion on Amazon for Rs 300, but received Bose headphones worth nearly Rs 19,000. Gautam Rege, the co-founder and director of Josh Software, said when he contacted Amazon to return the package, he was told to keep the premium headphones as the item was "non-returnable".
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