Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has shared an edited image of Twitter's homepage that appears to warn people against joining the social network. The text on the image reads, “Get fired from your job in 5-10 years. Join Twitter today.” But Mr Musk did not stop there, he added to the joke by saying that the “good thing” about him is he never tweets anything controversial. Mr Musk is known for sharing his sometimes-controversial views the social media platform.
The image appeared to be modelled on Twitter's homepage, having similar colour combinations and fonts. There were some more messages on it. Against the symbol for search, “Say anything you want”, was written. Next to growing your network icon, it read “wait 5-10 years”. And, finally, for the reply symbol, the text went like this - “Surprise. You're fired.”
Mr Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has indeed landed himself into controversy because of his tweets, which have caused Tesla stocks to fluctuate. He has also faced a few investor lawsuits and investigations for his tweets that had upset the market.
However, Mr Musk's tweets get his followers excited and the latest one has got more than 109,000 likes and over 10,000 retweets. There have been a number of interesting comments as well.
One user posted the tweet that got Mr Musk into trouble with the SEC, saying “You're right”.
A person asked how many times the Tesla board has tried to get rid of Mr Musk because of his tweets?
A Dogecoin supporter thought Mr Musk was urging people to invest in the meme coin in his cryptic style.
Check some more tweets:
In August 2018, Mr Musk had tweeted that he had “funding secured” to possibly take Tesla private in a $72 billion transaction. In fact, he was not even close. The SEC investigated him for the claim but the case was later settled. More recently, in March last year, he was sued by a Tesla shareholder for his “erratic” tweets that the complainant said was a violation of the 2018 settlement with the SEC.