This Article is From Sep 28, 2014

Must Watch: This Banker-cum-Pop Star Wants to Love You Every Day

Must Watch: This Banker-cum-Pop Star Wants to Love You Every Day
Courtesy: YouTube
Move aside Vennu Mallesh, there's a singer far more entertaining on the internet. And he's absolutely bee-auty-phul and A-tractibe.

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To say Bhim Niroula is a force to reckon with would be an understatement. This gentleman from Nepal is a banker who lives in England. However, his Youtube channel paints a very different picture of him. The man is a sensational pop star- and wants to love you every day...

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His track Sunday Morning Love You talks of love and serenading through every day of the week. With lyrics like:
Lady you are my life, my life, my life
Let us have a free time, free time, free time

who wouldn't want to be loved Tuesday Morning and Wednesday Morning? Watch in envy ladies:

The other track that stands out is Dancing All the Night which is a geography lesson in addition to being "a summer jam to end all summer jams," as they say on the video.

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And again, the lyrics are just lou-ly:
I want to travel Australia
I want to travel New Zealanddddd
I want to travel Singapur
I want to travel Malaysia
And with my lover
Then with my lover

With this track you get music and a sure shot way to win the Place-Name Game.

It'll probably take just one listen and we're sure you'll love him too. Brighten up your day instantly with these wonderful songs.