This Article is From Oct 11, 2018

Mysterious Object Washes Up On Beach And Nobody Knows What It Is

Though it looks like it is made of metal or concrete, it feels like "soft foam"


Last week, a mysterious object was found washed up on a beach.

A huge mysterious object washed up on a beach in South Carolina's Seabrook Island last week, inspiring a ton of theories about what it could be. The oddly-shaped object was first spotted by the Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network, a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping whales and dolphins. On Thursday, they shared a picture of the object on Facebook, asking people to guess what it could be. Though the object was taken away by Seabrook Island officials, nobody seems to know for sure what it is.

The picture shows a cylindrical object, taller than the woman standing next to it. Though it looks like it is made of concrete or metal, it appears that looks can be deceiving. According to the Charlotte Observer, Marine Mammal network officials say it feels like "soft foam."


About 15 hours ago, the Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network shared a picture of another mysterious object that washed ashore on Kiawah, another island in South Carolina. "Another piece of this mystery washed ashore on Kiawah the following day. Appears to be the other half," they wrote.


The mysterious object has everyone trying to guess what it could be. "Looks like NASA debris," writes one person in the comments section. "Part of an old WWII bunker?" says another. "It seems to be the infill of a buoy for marking shipping routes..." a third guesses.

While a lot of people made serious guesses, others cracked jokes. "Hillary's deleted emails," jokes one person. "Yep. It fell off my key chain. GOD" quipped another.

A few even supported their theories with pictures:


There seems to be no clear consensus on what the object is. Let us know what you think using the comments section below.
