Nagaland minister Temjen Imna Along has reacted to a video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida enjoying 'gol gappe' in Delhi. The video was shared by PM Modi on Facebook. Sharing it again on his Twitter handle, Mr Along said even the Japanese PM couldn't resist the famous Indian street snack. The Nagaland politician also highlighted his love for food. Shared just a few minutes ago, the post has already been viewed nearly 6,500 times.
"How can I resist from commenting when it's a post on food? Please give me a dry one brother! Looks like even the PM of Japan couldn't resist himself from trying India's Iconic "Golgappe". Guruji's style is different," the Nagaland minister said in his tweet.
The video shows the Japanese Prime Minister tasting 'gol gappe', the street food known by many names across India, and relishing the taste.
He also tried other Indian delicacies, like 'aam panna' and 'lassi' during a visit to the Buddha Jayanti Park in Delhi with PM Modi on Monday.
Videos showed PM Modi and the Japanese Prime Minister having a conversation over 'lassi'. The two leaders even tried their hands at churning as the caterers explained the recipe of the famous Indian drink.
Mr Kishida arrived in New Delhi on Monday morning for a two-day trip to India. The visiting Japanese PM held a meeting with PM Modi at the Hyderabad House. He also invited PM Modi for the G7 leaders meeting scheduled to be held in Hiroshima in May this year.
Mr Imna, meanwhile, keeps sharing such interesting videos on his social media handles and even interacts with his followers. He also talks about life goals and gives glimpses of India's Northeast to all his followers.