This Article is From Oct 09, 2009

NASA tries to confirm presence of water on moon

NASA tries to confirm presence of water on moon
Washington: After Chandrayaan-1 brought back clinching evidence of a wet moon, NASA tried to confirm presence of water ice at the lunar pole on Friday. The 'moon bombing' is the most expensive search for water till date.

Finding water on the moon is important if ever the moon has to be colonized. Two US spacecrafts crashed one after the other on the moon in search for water.

The spacecrafts will be travelling at twice the speed of a bullet. An empty rocket weighing 2.2 tons hit the crater Cabeus to create a minicrater about half the size of an Olympic pool.

Trailing behind the rocket, the lunar probe Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) beamed back live images. The whole mission cost $ 500 million.

Indian scientists observes the lunar deris cloud from Mount Abu. The scientific results of the experiment will be available later.

Earlier, two spacecrafts Chang'e-1 from China and Kaguya from Japan had also crash landed on the moon.