This Article is From Aug 18, 2015

Navroz Mubarak: Five Things We Love About Parsis

Offbeat Written by

Farah Khan and Boman Irani in a still from the film Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi. Image courtesy: YouTube

Parsis are one of India's most colourful but fastest dwindling communities. Their culture, though rich and vibrant, is disappearing as the headcount falls rapidly. Today, as we celebrate the Parsi Navroz, here are five things that endear the Zoroastrian community to the rest of us.

1. The cute accent
You converse with a Parsi and the first thing that will grab your attention is their adorable accent. Parsis are among the world's most soft spoken. Wait till they call you 'dikra' in their typically Parsi fashion and you will fall for the voice, if nothing else.

2. Elaborate meals
Parsi food is hard to beat. Dhansak, chicken farcha, patra ni machchi - yes, we have all been there, done that. Their homemade desserts are to die for.  Isn't your mouth-watering already? Go find a Parsi restaurant near your place and gorge on those delicacies forthwith.

Photo Credit: iStock

3. The traditional houses
Parsi homes are unmistakeable and full of character with lacy white curtains, small wooden chairs and red table cloths. A black umbrella and glass candy jars are easily spotted. 

4. Their love for rock and roll
Parsis love to groove. They have a passion for music and not just any other music, but rock and roll in particular. Even the older gentlemen in the house will get into the swing of things and you'll find yourself dancing with them.

Photo Credit: YouTube/T-Series

5. A progressive community
Parsis have always been progressive, leading India in the fields of education and empowerment of women. Parsi women, often opinionated and with natural leadership qualities, play a prominent role in Parsi society and family affairs. 
