This Article is From Jan 02, 2018

Popular New Year's Resolutions People Break

Happy New Year 2018: Here are some resolutions that people break most often


Happy New Year 2018: What's your resolution for 2018?

It's that time of the year again - that time when we bid goodbye to the year that went by and welcome the new year with open arms. People celebrate the arrival of the new year in different ways in different cultures and countries. However, one feature that seems common to all these celebrations is the setting of personal goals or, as they are known, new year resolutions. New year resolutions are promises we make to ourselves, goals we set for ourselves in order to start the new year on a good note. With the idea of self-improvement in mind, new year resolutions can range from simple goals on self-care to setting aims for the coming year like finding a new job or quitting a bad habit. However, most people will agree that whether big or small, new year resolutions are incredibly hard to stick to. More often than not, people end up breaking their resolutions for the new year just within a few weeks. Whether its health, relationships or finance, keeping a new year resolution going can be surprisingly tough. Sticking to a new routine, after all, is never easy. Most of us get overzealous while making new year resolutions that fizzle out even before February begins. However, with some determination, and maybe a helping hand from loved ones, sticking to your resolution in 2018 may not be impossible. Have you made any resolutions for 2018? Well, before you begin January 2 on a zealous note, you must read this list of 7 popular new year resolutions that people break and how not to break them:

Quit smoking

It is notoriously difficult to quit smoking. Try nicotine patches or chewing gums to help wean off your addiction.


Travel more

As many of us know, the mythical Goa plan is easier said on WhatsApp groups than carried out in real life.


Get fit

The hectic lifestyle most of us lead nowadays doesn't leave much time for leading a healthier life, does it? Beginning with baby steps like drinking more water and exercising while watching TV might be the way to go.


Save money

Again, little things like taking a snack to work instead of ordering in may help you out in this admittedly tough goal.


Manage stress

Stress can have a harmful effect on your health. Try to include stress management techniques like meditation and yoga in your routine to achieve this goal.


Spend more time with family

Again, not an easy one to follow with hectic work schedules. Try to establish a ritual like a sit down Sunday dinner to accomplish this goal and you'll thank yourself.



We all want to give back to society. Resolve to lend a helping hand any way you can - it can be something as simple as teaching a weekend class or donating meals.


