Badminton star PV Sindhu has all the right moves, on court and off. The two-time Olympic medallist was filmed grooving to Mayakirriye in a video she shared on Instagram this evening. With this, PV Sindhu has become the latest in a long line of Instagram users who have shared dance videos on the hit Tamil song - but this is not the first time the 26-year-old has taken part in a viral trend. She was also filmed dancing to Kacha Badam last week, and Love Nwantinti before that.
This afternoon, PV Sindhu took to Instagram to share a clip which shows her acing the hook step to Mayakirriye. Mayakirriye, sung by Anirudh Ravichander and composed by AniVee, is a Tamil song that has seen a huge surge in popularity on Instagram, where it has inspired nearly 45,000 dance Reels.
Dressed casually in blue denims, a pink jacket and a cap, PV Sindhu nailed the Mayakirriye dance challenge. "Dance is the joy of movement," she captioned her video. Take a look:
The video has racked up over 3.7 lakh views and more than 87,000 'likes' in the hour since it was published online.
Before this, PV Sindhu's dance video on the viral hit song Kacha Badam has clocked a whopping 12.5 million views on Instagram.
The badminton star is evidently a dance lover too. She had earlier joined the Love Nwantiti craze with her own take on the dance challenge.
PV Sindhu was conferred the Padma Bhushan, the country's third-highest civilian award, last year. She has already been the recipient of Padam Shri in 2015, India's fourth-highest civilian award and highest sporting honour of India, Khel Ratna award in 2016.