An image circulating online has baffled social media users. The post featuring the image, which has gone viral again, shows a number of white plates scattered around each other. However, people are not able to decide which way up they are. The image was originally posted on Twitter and other platforms in 2018 and keeps appearing online from time to time. The handle that has shared the image on Twitter has called it "sorcery". It says that only one plate is not flipped upside down, and once users figure that out, they will see all the plates correctly.
See the viral post here:
This is sorcery.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) December 11, 2022
Since being posted on Monday morning, the post has accumulated more than 10,000 likes and over 1,600 retweets.
Users found the optical illusion "confusing" and "creepy", while some of them claimed they always saw the plates face up.
"I can only see them as right side up," commented one user. "I don't understand how any of them look upside down? They all looked right side up from the start," tweeted another.
"When I teach Realism in International Relations I show weird shit like this to make sure students know that people actually can't see the world objectively and you can't base a theory on the idea that they do," a third user commented.
Some users posted the exact photo that "flipped the switch" for them.
This is yet another optical illusion that has left users stunned. Last month, a similar image asked users to find three bananas hidden in an image of Minions, the popular cartoon characters from animate movie 'Despicable Me'.
The optical illusion was created by Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, a well-known Hungarian illustrator and artist.
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