Paytm co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vijay Shekhar Sharma recently took to social media to call out the iPhone 16's camera quality. In his post on X, Mr Sharma expressed his disappointment over the iPhone's camera performance, saying that it is "so bad" that it left him reconsidering his choice. He mentioned the possibility of switching to a rival brand, Google's Pixel, and asked his followers if they were going through the same struggle.
"I am surprised how the iPhone killed its camera (software/app) so badly in 16. It is so bad that I am seriously thinking of a Pixel now. Anyone else going through the same struggles?" Mr Sharma wrote in his post.
Take a look below:
I am surprised how the iPhone killed its camera (software / app) so badly in 16.
— Vijay Shekhar Sharma (@vijayshekhar) January 19, 2025
It is so bad that I am seriously thinking of a Pixel now.
Anyone else going through the same struggles ?
Mr Sharma's post quickly gained attention with many social media users sharing their experiences in the comment section.
Responding to the post, former Google executive Parminder Singh wrote, "Similar experience. Something's seriously wrong with either the camera or the app."
Radhika Gupta, the Managing Director and CEO of Edelweiss Mutual Fund, also commented, saying, "The pixel is fab! Migrated from iPhone to it."
One user wrote, "iPhone 6 was the last iPhone with innovation. Later ones are more glamorous with technical features. Now the last 3 versions are just replicas."
"Yes, sir. I've used all pixels, recently got an iPhone - can't wait to go back. Pixel 9 is fast and with that camera - it's different. Go for it," commented another. "The regular mode is done and dusted. Only portrait mode photos look better but the locking mechanism is annoying. Videos are still good though," said a third user.
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"It's interesting to note that Google's Pixel phones are known for their advanced computational photography, which often outshines traditional camera hardware. Apple's focus on sleek design sometimes compromises functionality in software updates. Many users find that software changes can dramatically alter performance, sparking discussions like this one," expressed one user.
"iPhone needs to make serious amendments in the next upgrades to keep intact its customers," suggested another.
"Problem of abundance. Apple has already lost its "Innovation Quotient" and this is visibly obvious in the last 3-4 years but the brand overwhelms hence defies logic," a commenter shared.
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