This Article is From Apr 06, 2015

Photo of Mom, Baby with 'Ghost Dad' Goes Viral

Photo of Mom, Baby with 'Ghost Dad' Goes Viral

Image posted by Sierra Sharry on her Facebook page

We all want that perfect family photo, but what if we can't have one?

Last year in July, Sierra Sharry, a resident of Oklahoma was eight months pregnant, when her partner Lane Smith died in an accident.

Now, the family has been reunited in their first ever family portrait, thanks to a little help from a local photographer.

The picture has got nearly 39,000 shares on Facebook.



The other day I got to meet some new clients, they were booked for a 6 month little boys pictures. As soon as I met...

Posted by Kayli Rene' Photography on Wednesday, 1 April 2015


On her Facebook post, Sierra says, "I lost my best friend. The father of my unborn child. And since that day I have felt so empty inside. A part of me will forever be missing...I now have a picture of my little family. It brought me to tears as I know it will many if y'all."

Sierra asked the photographer if she could make their family complete.

"They asked me if I would be willing to "play around" with capturing their first family photo by editing Taos' daddy in one of their pictures," the photographer, Kayli Rene' Photography posted on Facebook.

The photographer then inserted Smith into the image to make it seem like he is watching over his son and Sierra.
