True to his word, industrialist Anand Mahindra has employed a quadruple amputee from Delhi at a Mahindra electric vehicle charging station. Birju Ram had first caught the attention of the chairman of Mahindra Group back in December, when footage of him driving a modified vehicle in the national capital went viral online. At that time, Mr Mahindra had asked for help in identifying the man, saying that he wanted to employ him with the Group's electric last-mile delivery service.
Mr Mahindra took to Twitter this afternoon to reveal that the man had been identified as one Birju Ram and hired at one of the company's EV charging yards.
"There have been many follow up videos and negative 'revelations' about this gentleman on YouTube But I want to thank Ram and Mahindra Logistics for employing Birju Ram at one of our EV charging yards in Delhi. EVERYONE deserves a break..." Mr Mahindra wrote, sharing two photos. One of the photos shows Birju Ram being welcomed with a bouquet of flowers, while the second one shows him signing some papers with a pen gripped in his mouth.
The tweet has racked up nearly 800 'likes' and a ton of comments from people who thanked Mr Mahindra for keeping his word.
A video of Birju Ram - who has no arms or legs - had begun circulating online in December last year. In the video, he revealed that he had been driving a modified vehicle for the last five years. "I have a wife, two small children and an ageing father... that's why I go out to earn," the amputee said in response to a passerby's query.
When the clip reached Mr Mahindra, he praised the man for not letting his "disability" become a drawback.