Internet sensation Ranu Mondal was recently in the news for her makeup look. The singer was photographed at an event last week in a pastel lehenga with gold jewellery - and it was her heavy makeup that caught the Internet's eye and led to much comment online. Now, the salon that did her makeup has come forward to say that Ranu Mondal's pic from the event has been edited.
Sandhya's Makeover, the Kanpur-based beauty parlour, also released a picture of Ranu's actual look from that day.
"As you can see, this is the difference between the work that we have done and the 'Fake' picture that has been edited to an extent," they wrote on Instagram, sharing both the pictures for comparison.
"We truly hope that you all will understand the truth and realise the difference between the fake one and the one that is genuine. That's all we ask for."
Ranu Mondal's makeup had received mixed reviews online, leading to memes and jokes.
Ms Mondal became a household name after a video of her singing Lata Mangeshkar's Ek Pyar KaNagma Hai at Ranaghat railway station in West Bengal went viral in August.