Social media users are full of praise for Ratan Tata after it emerged that the Mumbai-based industrialist quietly travelled to Pune to visit an ailing former employee. The 83-year-old was photographed at Friends Society in Pune by Yogesh Desai, who shared the picture on LinkedIn one day ago. Since then, his post has been flooded with comments from people praising Mr Tata's compassionate gesture.
According to Mr Desai, Ratan Tata travelled from Mumbai to Pune to visit a former employee who has been unwell for two years. "No media, no bouncers only commitment towards loyal employees," he wrote in praise of the man he described as a "living legend" and the "greatest businessman alive in India."
Mr Desai shared a photograph where the Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons can be seen with two other people. In the comments section, he clarified that he is not the former employee Mr Tata came to visit. "He came to meet his employee at my Friends housing complex," wrote Mr Desai. "I have not met him. I have nothing to do other than put it on social media."
Since being shared online a day ago, the post has garnered over 1.6 lakh reactions and 4,000 comments.
"He is a legend, met him several times and you will never meet a more genuine, grounded individual. Example of a truly great leader and great person," wrote one person in the comments section. "Respect," said another.
Ratan Tata was born in 1937 in Bombay, now Mumbai. He has served as the chairman of major Tata companies, including Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Chemicals, Indian Hotels and Tata Teleservices and during his tenure, the group's revenues grew by leaps and bounds, totalling over $ 100 billion in 2011-12.