This Article is From Jan 24, 2020

Restaurant Cooks 338-Foot Pizza To Raise Funds For Australia Firefighters

It took more than four hours and 90 kilograms of flour to cook the huge pizza.

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Pellegrini's Italian created a pizza bigger than a football field for charity.

Owners of a pizzeria in Australia cooked a giant pizza to raise money for firefighters battling the country's devastating bushfires. Pierre and Rosemary Moio, a brother and sister duo, own Pellegrini's Italian near Sydney. On Sunday, the two used a conveyor oven to cook the 338-foot margherita pizza, reports news website UPI.

The two started out by rolling the dough, which was then topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella before being baked in the oven.

It took more than four hours to cook the huge rectangular pizza, which was topped with fresh basil, oregano and olive oil. The whole pizza was cooked with 90 kilograms of flour.

Pictures shared on the restaurant's Instagram page show the Italian dish in all its glory.

The pizza was cut into 4,000 slices to feed the crowd. About 3,000 people showed up at the event to donate money for the New South Wales Rural Fire Service.


"It may not have broken a world record, but it was an event that certainly helped make a difference in raising much needed funds," said Pierre Moio to CNN.

Bushfires have destroyed large swathes of Australia since September. The raging fires have burnt more than 10 million hectares of land, decimated houses and killed wildlife.


While recent heavy rainfall helped to contain and, in some cases, extinguish long-running blazes, an expected return to searing heat and gusting winds Thursday was flagged as a cause for concern as dozens of fires continued to burn.
