Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor died in Mumbai today. He was 67. Rishi Kapoor fought a two-year-long battle with cancer, spending several months in New York for treatment before returning to Mumbai. The beloved star of blockbusters like Bobby was the top romantic hero of his day, whose charming onscreen presence earned him the epithet of Bollywood's original chocolate boy. Mr Kapoor started young in Bollywood, with roles in his father Raj Kapoor's films. According to a statement released by his family, doctors and medical staff at the hospital where Rishi Kapoor was being treated said "he kept them entertained to the last."
An active Twitter user, Mr Kapoor had a veritable treasure trove of photographs that he often shared on the microblogging platform, much to the delight of fans. These pics, many of which also feature other film industry insiders, encapsulate a life lived fully. Take a look at Rishi Kapoor's life with these 10 black and white photographs:
One of Rishi Kapoor's earliest photographs shows him with the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar. In the picture, which he shared on Twitter in January this year, an infant Rishi Kapoor can be seen curled up in Lata Mangeshkar's arms. He was only two or three-months-old when the picture was clicked.
नमस्ते लता जी। आपके आशीर्वाद से देखिए मुझे अपनी दो या तीन महीने वाली अपनी पिक्चर मिल गई। सदा आपका आशीर्वाद रहा है मुझ पर। बहुत बहुत धानियवाद। क्या मैं दुनिया को बता सकता हूँ ये तस्वीर ट्विटर पे डाल के?ये एक बेशक़ीमती पिक्चर है मेरे लिए!
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) January 28, 2020
Even as a child, Rishi Kapoor was "always on the go." A then-and-now collage that he shared in 2018 is proof.
Always on the the airport
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) September 15, 2018
Growing up as he did in Bollywood, Rishi Kapoor's pics often feature other members of the film industry. A priceless blast from the past that he posted a few months ago shows a young Rishi Kapoor with actor Anil Kapoor, his elder brother producer Boney Kapoor, actor cousin Aditya Raj Kapoor and producer Tutu Sharma.
Original “Coca Cola” advertisement. Boney Kapoor,Aditya Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor,Tutu Sharma and that cute brat Anil Kapoor( photo courtesy Khalid Mohammed)
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) November 13, 2019
While he was no more than a teenager in this picture, Rishi Kapoor grew up to work with Pran in more than 30 movies - including hits like Bobby and Amar Akbar Anthony.
Man to man talk with the legend - Pran sahab. I have done more than 30/32 films with him. A learning curve!
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) January 24, 2020
Rishi Kapoor played a young version of his father in 1970 film Mera Naam Joker. In January this year, he treated fans to a behind-the-scenes pic from the cult classic that showed him as a teenager.
“Mera Naam Joker”released on December 18th,1970 at the Novelty Cinema in Mumbai. Here as a teen ager,with the “acrobat duplicate”Clown of dad at its premier. Forgot his name. Just spoke Russian. If you seeing this comrade -“Spaciba bolshoi tavarish”
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) January 2, 2020
Rishi Kapoor's performance in Mera Naam Joker won him the National Award for Best Child Artist.
47 years back “Mera Naam Joker” released on 18th December 1970 @Simi_Garewal
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) December 18, 2017
Rishi Kapoor pictured in 1977, on the premiere of Doosra Aadmi. He starred alongside Neetu Singh in the film. The couple married in 1980.
Premiere of Doosara Aadmi.
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) October 14, 2019
Last year, the actor had also shared a throwback photograph with his mother, Krishna Raj Kapoor. The black and white pic shows the two of them dancing together.
Mothers Day.
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) May 12, 2019
When one star met another. In 2017, Rishi Kapoor shared a photograph with Rajesh Khanna and wrote: "Remembering one of the greatest romantic hero's of our times on his birthday 29th December. Rajesh Khanna."
Remembering one of the greatest romantic hero's of our times on his birthday 29th December. Rajesh Khanna. The first Superstar! This is from the film Zamana(1985)@mrsfunnybones @akshaykumar
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) December 28, 2017
While sharing this group picture, the Bobby star recalled that it was clicked on a night when Asha Bhonsle cooked for them and legendary composer RD Burman regaled them with unreleased music.
This picture was shot on Pancham's birthday at his sitting room/residence.The gentleman behind me is not Manna Dey sahab but my favourite Nasir Husain sahab. Such a fun picture. Asha Bhonsle ji cooked for us that night. Pancham's unreleased music from several films regaled us!
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) May 7, 2019
Rishi Kapoor "would like to be remembered with a smile and not with tears," his family said in a statement released after the actor's death. You can read the full statement here.
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