There has been a lot of discussion around how the pitch behaved at the newly-named Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad during the third Test match between India and England. Rohit Sharma was among those who shared their thoughts on the pitch, though he did it with a tongue-in-cheek Instagram post. Taking to the photo and video sharing platform on Monday, Rohit Sharma posted a photo of himself in training gear which has now been turned into a hilarious meme by Twitter users. "Wondering what would be the pitch like for 4th test," the cricketer captioned the pic.
The pic shows Rohit Sharma lying on the ground, dressed in an orange T-shirt and a hat. Since being posted on Instagram, the photo has garnered 1.4 million 'likes' and nearly 10,000 amused comments - including one from his wife Ritika Sajdeh. "And you make fun of me for lazing around like this," she posted in the comments section.
The "lazing around" pic has also inspired several memes on social media. Take a look at some of the funniest ones:
Me after putting my phone on charge :
— HUNTSMAN???? (@hp_mode2) March 1, 2021
Rohit sharma in the Land of Lilliputs
— HeMan (@royhly_) March 1, 2021
You waiting for your salary from beginning of month :
— Aman_Chain (@Amanprabhat9) March 1, 2021
*Principal Malhotra talking to Ms. Briganza on the bed* (KKHH)
— D J 2.0 🎧 (@djaywalebabu) February 28, 2021
Much like what happened with the mega viral Bernie Sanders meme, Rohit Sharma is being Photoshopped into the weirdest of places
Didn't notice, Rohit had a cameo in Tare Zameen Par.
— The Sculpture (@theSculpture_) March 1, 2021
History Class is Going on
— Radian⚡???? ???? ???? (@imramdyal) March 1, 2021
Whole Class :_
outside a stall, rohit spotted eagerly waiting for his vadapav
— Neeche Se Topper (@NeecheSeTopper) February 28, 2021
India won the third Test against England by 10 wickets. The win helped India take a 2-1 lead in the four-match series even as England lost their last chance to qualify for the World Test Championship (WTC) final.
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