A 75-year-old man named Mick Worrall, dressed as Santa Claus was fined 60 pounds (Rs 6,132) for driving in a 'traffic-free' zone. Santa was left fuming after the traffic warden gave him a ticket for driving his sleigh in a pedestrian zone.
He parked his three-wheeler bike, in Worcester city centre, a report by Express.uk. The Santa was busy handing out sweets and teddies to kids and collecting donations for children's charity when unexpectedly he was slapped with a fine.
Although, he refused to pay the fine and told the traffic warden to "post it to the North Pole."
Mr Mick also vowed that he will return to the city centre to spread festive cheer. He said, "I won't let the children down. I get pleasure from putting smiles on the faces of the children." The angry Santa added, "I'm a bit disappointed - but it's not going to stop me. I've been doing it for years. I refused to take the ticket. I told the warden 'send it to me in the post to my address."
The traffic warden asked Santa, "Where's that?" He responded, "The North Pole."
"I will go to court dressed as Father Christmas if I have to. I'm not paying a penny in fines when I'm collecting money for charity," the angry Santa said.
He was given the ticket because he was found driving in a traffic-free zone, a Canada Today report said.
He said, "I was not driving the decorated trike around the streets. I merely crawled along at under 2mph to my parking spot before handing out festive gifts."
Adding, "I've done it every year and never had any problems. Last year a policeman even posed with me for pictures. Maybe the traffic warden was having a bad day or just being Scrooge but it was petty, to say the least."