In January this year, Pune resident Yogita Satav drove a bus for the first time to save a life. Her act of courage has now been immortalised in an ad film by Kotak General Insurance.
Yogita Satav was part of a group of 20 women who had gone on a picnic to the outskirts of Pune on January 7. On the way to the picnic spot, however, the driver of their mini bus complained of uneasiness and lost consciousness. It was only because the 42-year-old homemaker took the wheel and drove the bus to a hospital that the driver's life was saved, reports India Today.
The "extraordinary story" of Yogita Satav was documented on-screen by Kotak General Insurance in an advertisement that has gone viral. The ad film recreates the events of January 7, when the driver of the bus fainted mid-journey. As other passengers panicked and tried to call for help, Ms Satav took matters into her own hands and got into the driver's seat. With great difficulty, she drove the vehicle to a hospital in Shikrapur town, which is located about 35 kilometres away from Pune in Maharashtra.
"We present to you a story of a courageous woman who took the wheel in the face of adversity. A story that will empower and inspire you to #DriveLikeALady," Kotak General Insurance wrote while sharing the ad on YouTube. The ad is part of the company's #DriveLikeALady campaign which aims to dispel negative stereotypes associated with women drivers.
The video has racked up nearly 7 lakh views on YouTube, with many viewers praising Ms Satav. "Hats off," wrote one YouTube user, while another said, "Well done."
Yogita Satav had spoken to India Today shortly after the incident in January. Opening up about the tough task of manoeuvring a heavy vehicle, she said: "I have been driving small cars like the Maruti Celerio, accent and Omini Van since the last twenty odd years. This is the first time I tried my hands on a big vehicle like a mini-bus."