A schoolgirl from Kerala's Thrissur district took the Internet by storm recently when a video of her riding a horse to her exam centre went viral. The video was shared online by a netizen who tweeted that the teenager was on her way to take her class 10 exams. As the video gained traction online, collecting thousands of 'likes' and 'shares', it caught the eye of business tycoon Anand Mahindra too - who hailed the teen a "hero" and praised her dedication to her education.
Sharing the video, Twitter user Manoj Kumar wrote: "This video clip from my #whatsappwonderbox shows how a girl student is going to write her Class X final exam in Thrissur district, Kerala." The short clip, posted on Saturday, has collected over 11,000 'likes' and a ton of impressed comments.
Watch the video below:
This video clip from my #whatsappwonderbox shows how a girl student is going to write her Class X final exam in Thrissur district, Kerala. This story made my Sunday morning brew of @arakucoffeein taste better! After all, ARAKU coffee is about #cupofchange #GirlPower @NanhiKali pic.twitter.com/45zOeFEnwV
— Manoj Kumar (@manoj_naandi) April 7, 2019
Holding up the class 10 student as an example of incredible India and an icon for girl's education, Mr Mahindra wrote: "Brilliant! Girls' education is galloping ahead...A clip that deserves to go viral globally."
Brilliant! Girls' education is galloping ahead...A clip that deserves to go viral globally. This, too, is #IncredibleIndia https://t.co/y1A9wStf7X
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) April 7, 2019
In fact, not content with just one tweet praising the schoolgirl, he appealed for more information about her, saying that he wanted her picture as his screensaver.
"Does anyone in Thrissur know this girl? I want a picture of her and her horse as my screen saver," he wrote. "She's my hero..The sight of her charging to school filled me with optimism for the future..."
Does anyone in Thrissur know this girl? I want a picture of her and her horse as my screen saver. She's my hero..The sight of her charging to school filled me with optimism for the future... https://t.co/6HfnYAHHfu
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) April 7, 2019
Mr Mahindra's appeal for information was answered by a Twitter user, who identified the teen as Krishna and her horse as Ranakrish.
What do you think of Krishna's horse riding skills? Let us know using the comments section below.
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