This Article is From Jun 05, 2014

Some Indians Have Really REALLY Disgusting Table Manners

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Courtesy: beingindian

New Delhi: To eat or not eat isn't the question- it's whether to use a spoon or not, lick your fingers or not, and/or pick your teeth with your fingers or not.

Let's draw you a little picture... Imagine sitting at a restaurant and looking at the guy on the other table eating with his hands elbows deep in his dinner. While you make intricate maneuvers with your fork and knife, trying not to hurt your food, this guy chomps at his grub with brazen abandon. You watch him wipe the meat sweats off his face with the back of his hand, as you nervously pick your napkin from your lap to dab your mouth, going "eww" a million times in your head. A word of advice, this video isn't for your delicate palate.

Culture Machine's Being Indian presents this wonderfully nuanced video on how a true blue Indian enjoys his food and drinks.

They include:

- Slurping your tea with a chuski

- Pouring a Patiala Peg of whiskey and drinking only after offering some to the God of Booze

- Getting our hands dirty to achieve proper gastronomical pleasure

- Helping your Tandoori Chicken achieve nirvana by not leaving a shred on the bone

- Burping and spreading the joy of food

- Digesting your food with a cocktail of not less than three mouth fresheners

This video is so brilliantly bang-on you may want to order yourself a hot plate of Tandoori Chicken; or well, not eat for the next few hours.

Here's the hunger and laughter inducing feast:
