This Article is From Jul 14, 2016

Starring Wailing Mandrake-Baby, This Harry Potter-Themed Pic is Now Viral

Offbeat Written by

The viral picture was captured by photographer Kelsey Clouse. (Facebook/Lune de la Rogue Photography)


  • Katherine, Jesse Oldfield took their Harry Potter love to the next level
  • They recreated a scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • It shows Baby Theodore wailing in a mandrake plant attire
Potterheads, take note. This is the fan photo to beat now, themed around your favourite magical universe.

Oregon parents Katherine and Jesse Oldfield took their love for Harry Potter to the next level by recreating a scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for an adorable photo shoot with their newborn baby Theodore. Older son Sebastian appears as supporting cast.

The picture was captured by photographer Kelsey Clouse, who runs Lune de la Rogue Photography, and is currently going viral on Facebook. Since being posted on July 3, the photo has registered almost 89,500 shares and over 54,000 'likes'.

Here are Baby Theodore and Sebastian in Herbology class, the one in which Professor Sprout's class re-pot mandrake plants - Baby Theo is, of course, the mandrake root (good thing it's easy to get babies to cry). Sebastian is wearing ear muffs, essential clothing when dealing with mandrakes because the wailing of the root 'babies' will knock you out cold.

The idea of the photo shoot was actually mom Katherine's.

The couple had done a similar shoot for Sebastian as well, in which he was dressed as Harry Potter. The little cutie was made to sit in a trunk with the mandatory lightning bolt scar, glasses and a wand. The setting for the shoot seems to be a graveyard. Way to go the extra mile for the perfect shot, guys.

Eventually, it seemed only fitting to do a similar one for the new entrant in the family.

The mandrake picture has found a lot of love online, with several sharing their own Harry Potter- themed pictures in the comments.

However, few also raised concern over Theodore crying in the picture.

Ms Clouse, who is overwhelmed with the love the photo has received, clarified in a comment that it was all good and credits perfect timing for the wonderful shot.

Daddy Oldfield, however, chose to comment on the matter with a hilarious reply: "It's all good folks. I've watered him twice daily, he's getting plenty of vitamin d enriched sunshine, and will soon be able to cure all who are petrified by the obvious cruelty shown in the photo."

All you parents looking to do shoots for your children, take inspiration.