This Article is From Sep 25, 2015

The Almost-Lion King: Cub Trying to Roar is the Cutest Ever

Offbeat Written by

Image Courtesy: Screengrab taken from YouTube video uploaded by BigMania

Even the formidable and magnificent king of the jungle was once a little baby, trying to find his bearings. Case and point - this adorable little baby lion attempting to get his roar right.

A video on YouTube shows a lion cub trying his best to get a roar in edgeways. Putting on his scariest look doesn't work - alas, his own voice fails him each time. And far from looking intimidating, the little cub ends up looking so adorable, you can't take your eyes off of him.

Even so, his continuous attempts to get at least one roar right would make Mufasa proud.

Watch the little cutie below:
