Portland: An Oregon cat that accidentally got sold with a mattress set is home after 10 days on his own. Roy Dufek said in a statement his girlfriend caught the cat in a trap Saturday after a woman reported seeing him in a Portland suburb.
People were on the lookout for the cat named Camo after his unusual disappearance.
Dufek sold his girlfriend's mattress set without realizing her cat was hiding in the box spring. The cat likely scurried out of the box spring when the mattress buyer took it off the car roof.
Dufek says Camo lost 2 pounds and suffered some minor injuries.
He and his girlfriend, Hayley Crews, thanked everyone for their help, saying it's great to know friends and strangers had their back in time of need.
People were on the lookout for the cat named Camo after his unusual disappearance.
Dufek sold his girlfriend's mattress set without realizing her cat was hiding in the box spring. The cat likely scurried out of the box spring when the mattress buyer took it off the car roof.
Dufek says Camo lost 2 pounds and suffered some minor injuries.
He and his girlfriend, Hayley Crews, thanked everyone for their help, saying it's great to know friends and strangers had their back in time of need.