This Article is From Apr 23, 2019

The Filthiest Place In An Airport Is Nowhere Near The Bathroom

Feeling sick after a vacation is pretty common - but don't put it down to simple exhaustion


Airports are teeming with germs, according to a recent study.

Feeling sick after a vacation is pretty common - but don't put it down to simple exhaustion. If you travelled by air, chances are that it's the airports teeming with germs that are making you feel sick. And if you thought you could prevent this by simply steering clear of airport toilets - we have some bad news for you

According to a recent study by, bathrooms are not the filthiest place at an airport. That honour rests with the self check-in kiosks that can have as much as 1,500 times more germs than your toilet seat at home!

As per the study, the screen of each self check-in kiosk at an airport has an average of 2.5-lakh CFU per square inch. CFU or colony forming units are the estimated visible bacteria or fungal cells in a sample.

So while they may save a lot of time and make travelling easier, but these kiosks are also some of the most unhygienic places at an airport. But they are far from being the only germ-infested area at an airport. The trays that carry your baggage through the X-ray and the benches are also teeming with germs - each with more CFU per square inch than an average toilet seat!


What can you do to combat the ill effects of these germs? Not much except carry a lot of disinfectant wipes and use hand sanitisers - and hope for the best!
