This Article is From Dec 02, 2015

The 'First Daughter' of Facebook: 5 Things we Know About Max's Future

Offbeat Written by
It's a baby announcement that easily surpasses all others. With a family photo, an open letter, and one of the biggest philanthropic commitments ever, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced his little bundle of joy, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg, to the world.

"We're so happy to welcome our daughter Max into this world. Everyone is happy and healthy. Thank you for all your love and support through our pregnancy. There is so much joy in our little family," he said on Facebook.

Weighing about 7 pounds and 8 ounces, Max, as she's fondly called, was born around Thanksgiving (November 26) according to a Facebook spokesperson. While no one knows the actual date of her birth, or much else about the 'First Daughter' of Facebook, here are five things we know for sure about little Max's Facebook future.

1. Just like all the other kids in the world, Max will have to wait until she's 13-years-old to put up her first status on Facebook - thanks to the social networking site's age-limit policy. And sorry Max, she's is the one kid who will not get to sneak in a fake profile. Because, you know, Daddy Zuckerberg will find out.



2. But when it comes to Facebook, she's luckier than most kids. Max already has a collective follower-base of over 46.4 million people from three different verified accounts, which include dad Zuckerberg's, mom Priscilla Chan's and family pet Beast's. Can you imagine how many people this tot can reach out to? British royal babies Prince George and Princess Charlotte don't even have their parents on Facebook.



3. Sorry Max, but you'll need to be innovative with your official timeline address once you are old enough to join Facebook - and are both taken.



4. Sadly, no matter what privacy settings she selects for herself, daddy will always know what she's up to. Dislike.


5. Finally, here's one way in which she's a clear winner. Max will never have to teach her parents how to put up a status, share a picture or, for that matter, the difference between a display picture and cover picture. Max will never need to teach her parents how to use Facebook. Or Instagram. Or WhatsApp. And any other social networks the Zuckerbergs might acquire in 13 years.


