This Article is From Feb 23, 2017

The Funniest Twitter Reactions To NASA's Discovery Of 7 Earth-Like Planets

Offbeat Written by

NASA's discovery has prompted some funny reactions on Twitter.

In some surprising news for the world of science, a few hours ago, NASA announced that it had discovered 7 'earth-like' exoplanets around a single star. "NASA announced the discovery of the most Earth-sized planets found in the habitable zone of a single star, called TRAPPIST-1. This system of seven rocky worlds-all of them with the potential for water on their surface-is an exciting discovery in the search for life on other worlds. There is the possibility that future study of this unique planetary system could reveal conditions suitable for life," says the official announcement.

In essence, this means that the rocky planets, found about 40 light years away, could have liquid water and could potentially harbour life forms. Three of them, in fact, are firmly in the habitable zone. Exciting news, isn't it? The Internet thought so too - and promptly exploded! Many came out to say that they were thrilled to hear about the discovery, and some began to look for the humour in the situation. We bring to you the 13 funniest Twitter reactions to this discovery.

1. Some, of course, took this as an opportunity to troll Trump
2. Yes, they did
3. Some went into existential crisis mode
4. Sigh
5. Many just got straight to the point - Aliens!
6. This one had some important news for NASA
7. This important scientific discovery was invitation for some to lament their Forever Alone-ness
8. So many just wanted to leave this earth already
9. Seth Rogen joined the conversation too
10. Ouch
11. Some had real problems to deal with
12. The math seems a bit off on this one but always down to disco
13. NASA said that, we didn't
Have something to say about this exciting discovery? Join the conversation using the comments section below.