This Article is From Jul 08, 2014

The Internet is Making a $34,981 (And Counting) Potato Salad

The Internet is Making a $34,981 (And Counting) Potato Salad

Pic credit: Kickstarter

Zack Danger Brown had a dream, and it's now coming true. Infact, he is garnering support by the hundreds everyday. So much so, that his goals have now expanded to 'stretch goals', 'new stretch goals' and 'a big stretch goal'.

However, this doesn't come without risks and challenges. "It might not be that good. It's my first potato salad," says Brown. Yup, he's making potato salad and the entire world is funding it.

How did he woo 3,189 backers and $34,844 donations? Well, he didn't judge his dream. He took to crowdfunding website Kickstarter to finance his 'project'. "Basically I'm just making potato salad. I haven't decided what kind yet," he wrote.

The campaign had started with the modest goal of $10, followed by a goal of $75, at which point Brown promised a pizza party. "So, is the pizza party going to have potato salad at it?" asked one of the backers, and further a goal of $250 for better mayonnaise (from the natural foods section). At the present, Brown is targeting $3000 on his page (which he has already surpassed). He'll be renting out a party hall and inviting the whole Internet to the potato salad party. His salad days will end on August 2. We say, take the potato salad project with a pinch of salt.
