This Article is From Jan 06, 2015

The Top 10 New Year Resolutions Most of Us Fail Every Year

The Top 10 New Year Resolutions Most of Us Fail Every Year
Image Courtesy: Thinkstock
It's an all new year, with all new possibilities and expectations... it's a chance for an all new beginning.
(What a neat song these lines would make.)

No New Year is ever complete without a whole long list of resolutions. From getting fit, to saving money, to organizing our lives, we promise ourselves that the new year will be different by epic proportions. However, just like every year gone by we fail to keep the promise. Here are 10 common New Year Resolutions most people fail each year.

1. No More Drinks This Year
With great new-year-parties come even greater hangovers. So we promise ourselves, massaging our throbbing headaches that we'll keep the drinks at bay THIS year. Mission Accomplished? Hah, are you kidding me?


2. I Will Hit the Gym and Lose Weight This Year
So I will pay my dietician and gym instructor my hard earned money and pretend (and pray) just this 'act' is more than enough to get me into shape.


3. I Will Not Work Crazy Hours and Live My Life a Little
Because STATUS = UNEMPLOYED is so happening... NOT!


4. This is the Year I Travel





*Clicks Like*

Because nothing beats the sun, sand and Ryan Gosling of my dreams.

5. I Will Read More Books
After I'm done watching and re-watching the new seasons of Game of Thrones, Walking Dead and American Horror Story.


6. I Will Save Money
But look... SALE!!


7. I Will Shop Less
No, but look... END OF SEASON SALE!!!


8. I Will Do Some Charity
But seriously, look... 70% OFF!!!


9. I Will Spend Less Time on Social Networking Sites
Status: Updated


10. I Will Make it a Point to be a Happier, Better Human Being
Boss: Is that report done?


Tell us your failed resolutions in the comments box below.