This Article is From Mar 21, 2016

This 'Cat Burglar' is an Actual Cat and Steals Men's Underwear and Socks

Offbeat Written by
'Look what the cat dragged in' may just be the most apt expression for this kleptomaniac kitty that likes to steal men's underwear and socks.

This may sound ridiculous and hilarious in equal proportions, but Brigit the cat, who lives in Hamilton, New Zealand, seems weirdly obsessed, much to the embarrassment of its humans. In two months, the six-year-old Tonkinese cat has brought back as many as 11 pairs of underwear and over 50 random socks, reports BBC.

Brigit's thieving has gotten so out of hand that her human Sarah Nathan even posted a picture titled "Are You Missing Underwear?" on Imgur to alert people about her pet's weird fetish. 

If you think this public notification is hilarious, check out the picture of Brigit with her loot. 

You gotta give the cat credit for at least stealing the socks in proper pairs.

Now Ms Nathan is trying to return the stolen property back to the rightful owners. "I've put notes in every letterbox in the street. Someone must be missing this stuff. Please share if you know someone who lives in the George St area," she wrote on Facebook.

We'd really like to know if someone spotted their missing, ahem, items and asked for them back.