This Article is From Jul 29, 2016

This Hilarious First-Person Account of Flying With Newly-Weds is Viral

This Hilarious First-Person Account of Flying With Newly-Weds is Viral

This story is so good, you'll be in splits by the end.


  • Columnist Bikram Vohra has shared a post about his flight from hell
  • He details how a newly-wed couple left him in a state of 'mute horror'
  • His Facebook post is now viral with over 9,000 shares and 22,000 'likes'
Many of us have gritted our teeth through flights with wailing babies as co-passengers. Here's someone who suffered a far worse mid-air fate and lived to tell his horrid yet hilarious tale. On his flight from hell, Dubai-based columnist Bikram Vohra was seated next to... wait for it... newly-weds.

It was a very, very, very long flight.

In a Facebook post, now viral with over 9,000 shares and 22,000 'likes,' Mr Vohra details how travelling with a young couple newly-besotted with each other left him in a state of 'mute horror.' His account includes watching said couple discuss the 'baloney' (his word not ours) way a plane flies, feeding each other noodles "in a culinary orgy of ecstasy," and a game of get-the-longest-noodle that would make the strongest of us weep.

The story is so good, you'll be in splits by the end.

So those who find extremely public displays of affection hard to digest, this one's for you. For those who indulge in said PDA, we're sorry in advance.

Read the post in its entirety below: