This Article is From May 12, 2017

This J K Rowling-Approved Horror Story Is The Friday Read You Need

Offbeat Written by

This 'house-haunting' story makes for an interesting read.

New Delhi: When the master storyteller of our times, J K Rowling herself approves of a story, you know it's worth a read. That's exactly what happened yesterday when Ms Rowling retweeted a Twitter story thread by author and blogger Olivia A Cole. Endorsing Ms Cole's account of house hunting as 'some good storytelling', Ms Rowling helped the already-viral Twitter thread to further fame and retweets.
So what exactly is Ms Cole's Twitter story about? Well, it's an account of how she and her husband went house-hunting in Louisville, USA, and how the experience turned out to be, err, a little different from what they had imagined.
As anyone who has ever been house-hunting will vouch for, it can be quite the nightmare. For Ms Cole and her husband, however, the bungalow they went to see turned out to be quite possibly haunted.
We don't want to give too much away, so you'll just have to read her whole thread of creepy dungeons, scratched windows and secret rooms. Just click on the tweet below and start reading:
Let us know what you think of this 'house-haunting' story below.

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