This Article is From Feb 13, 2015

Trending: This Man Taught his Rabbit How to Fetch a Beer

Trending: This Man Taught his Rabbit How to Fetch a Beer

Screen grab from Wallace The MadKing's YouTube video


  • This cute little bunny rabbit can fetch his master a beer

His name is Wallace and he is not a bartender. He's a cute little black and white bunny rabbit who has been trained to fetch his master the beverage of his choice.

The video, which has Kevin MacLeod's "Winner Winner" playing in the background, clearly displays why all this cuteness deserves the attention it's getting.

The instructions to the rabbit are simple - 'Wallace, grab me a beer.' The fluffy bunny then looks around and hops across to a cardboard pushcart, and pushes the bottle and the cart till it reaches his destination.

With over 8 lakh views, this video, updated by Wallace The MadKing five days ago isn't the only place where Wallace shows off his skills. There's another one, where he's able to say thank you.

One small step for mankind, one giant hop for rabbits.
