Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray took to Instagram this morning to share two photographs that have impressed many. Mr Thackeray, 59, is a photography enthusiast whose Instagram feed features everything from the stilt fisherman of Sri Lanka to the polar bears of Canada. The first of the two pictures that Mr Thackeray shared today shows flowers in bloom, while the second captures a golden field against a blue sky.
"iPhone shot," the Shiv Sena president captioned his photographs.
The photos collected over 4,000 'likes' within an hour of being posted. They also received a ton of complimentary comments.
"Our CM got some serious skills," wrote one person in the comments section. "Excellent sunrise capture! Beautiful light, reflections and mood," another said, while a third added "Stunning frame."
A few also asked Mr Thackeray where the photographs were clicked.
A quick scroll through Mr Thackeray's Instagram feed reveals that he has an eye for photography. Take a look at some of the other photos that have impressed his almost-70,000 Instagram followers.
Uddhav Thackeray took oath as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra in November, after the Shiv Sena ended its decades old ties with the BJP.
What do you think of his photographs? Let us know using the comments section.
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