The CEO of a US-based company has come under scrutiny after he sacked 99 of his 110 employees for failing to attend a morning meeting. In a post shared on Reddit, one of the interns at the company shared a letter from the CEO as the sacking announcement was made via a Slack message. The user claimed that he had joined a company selling musical instruments, only to get fired one hour later. The message starts with the CEO introducing himself as Baldvin before going on a lengthy tirade, berating the workers for failing to make the most of the "opportunity" he had given them and dropping the 'F-bomb'.
"For those of you who did not show up to the meeting this morning, consider this your official notice: you're all fired. You failed to do what you agreed to, you failed to complete your part of the contract, and you failed to show up to the meetings you were supposed to attend and work for," read the message.
The CEO said he would cancel all the agreements with the employees and asked them to return anything they had taken from the company. "
"Sign out of all accounts, and remove yourself from this Slack immediately."
"I gave you an opportunity to make your life better, to work hard, and to grow. Yet, you have shown me that you don't take this seriously. Out of 110 people, only 11 were present this morning. Those 11 get to stay. The rest of you are terminated. Get the fuck out of my business right now,"
The intern added that he could not even show up for the job before the entire team was fired. "I received no notice of a meeting. In the slack workspace, they didn't give me access to the division I was supposed to end up at."
Internet reacts
As of the last update, the post had garnered over 19,000 upvotes and nearly 2,000 comments, with most sympathising with the workers while calling out the CEO.
"Seems like you dodged a bullet there. I doubt the work environment will improve," said a user, while another added: "Wow you dodged a bullet. Plan a meeting for 110 people, only 11 shows up... and he doesn't even consider that MAYBE there was a misunderstanding and people just didn't get the invite another."
Who is the mystery CEO?
As the Reddit post went viral, online sleuths managed to zero in on an individual named Baldvin Oddsson as the CEO of the mysterious company. A cursory look at Mr Oddsson's LinkedIn page reveals that he is the founder of 'The Musicians Club'. Mr Oddsson also has a hiring badge on the page, hinting that he was looking for employees to join his organisation.
In one of the posts on his page, users could be seen mocking him for firing employees in bad taste. "Your lack of social skills is all over Reddit bud," said one user, while another added: "Baldvin you're famous."
A third commented: "But why are you deleting all of your recent posts Baldvin??"
This is not the first instance when a CEO has controversially sacked their staff. In September, a mental health company in India fired its employees for liking a 'toxic workplace' post.