Industrialist Anand Mahindra never ceases to amaze us with his social media posts. The 67-year-old tycoon, who is pretty active on Twitter often shares informative and entertaining posts on all that is trending around the world. On Monday, he displayed his humorous side as he shared a hilarious video showing a news anchor struggling to pronounce the names of South African politicians.
Notably, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa recently announced a Cabinet reshuffle. Reporting about the same, the news anchor on LIVE TV proceeded to inform his viewers about the ministers that were elected. He starts announcing their names but miserably fails. In the over 2-minute clip, he ended up mispronouncing a lot of names but kept trying while keeping a straight face.
Mr. Mahindra shared the undated video and captioned it as ''Can someone PLEASE tell me this is a comedy show and not a real news bulletin. Either way, I wish our TV was this entertaining.''
Watch the hilarious video here:
Toward the end, the anchor apologised to his viewers and said, "I beg your pardon. These names are really difficult. I think we have to take a short break."
Internet users were left in splits after watching the video. One user wrote, ''The writer of this news has surely got some grudges against the reader !!! Knew the reader would not be able to pronounce them and embarrass himself in front of the audience. & It just happened that way.''
Another commented, ''The end part was great and I like the confidence of anchor. He was trying his best. With my personal experience I agree that these names are really tough to pronounce. I am just imaging what will happen if someone from Indian Media needs to pronounce the same.''
A third wrote, ''The last one, Timbingin Bintin. Epic'', while a fourth added, ''Hats off for keeping his composure.'' A fifth added, ''This is a news anchor's nightmare,'' while others filled the comment section with laugh emojis.