This Article is From Jan 31, 2017

Viral: Bizarre And Apparently Real Pic Of 80 Falcons Taking A Flight

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Wonder what in-flight meals were served to these 80 falcons.

This is apparently a true story. A flight booked by a Saudi Arabian prince had 80 birds of prey among its passengers. A picture of this bizarre plane situation is currently going insanely viral online. The photo, shared yesterday by Reddit user @lensoo, has received over 4,000 comments and still very much counting. Forget wailing babies - imagine being eyeballed by one of these mid-air, or fumbling with your seatbelt watched by those beady eyes.

"My captain friend sent me this photo. Saudi prince bought ticket for his 80 hawks," the Reddit user captioned his photo. The startling picture soon began to attract comments from other users who identified the birds as falcons, all of which had their own seats on the flight. Wonder what in-flight meals they were served.

Just in case you think, this is a nightmare flight that's never going to be reality for mere falcon-less mortals, it apparently isn't that uncommon for these raptors to be seen on flights in the Middle East. In fact, some airlines have specific rules and accommodation charges related to the birds.

"We accept the carriage of falcons in the main aircraft cabin provided that all the necessary documents have been obtained. We also accept falcons as checked baggage," says the Etihad Airways official website.

"You are permitted to carry one falcon on board the Economy Class passenger cabin of an aircraft, and a maximum of six falcons are permitted within the Economy Class cabin of an aircraft (country regulations may apply)," says the Qatar Airways official website.

Only, this gentleman chose to make his falcons fly with class.

According to, the birds also require passports, just like humans, that would be stamped at immigration.

It's also important to remember that falconry is considered a sport in many parts of the world.

Lucky Redditors who didn't have to be on the same flight brought the humour. "You know the hawks don't have to take up a seat each," said one commenter on the tread. "Ha! He paid when hawks already know how to fly!" said another. "I'm just happy they can all have a happy flight with their own TVs. Let's just hope they all remembered their earbuds," a Reddit user said. "Where were they even going? I feel sorry for the guy who has to escort 80 hawks through customs," another user said.

A Reddit user also shared this similar picture from four years ago.

We just hope the birds and their co-passengers ALL had a safe flight.