Even though Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has repeatedly issued warnings prohibiting the recording of videos inside train coaches, there have been several videos of many commuters still flouting the rules. This time, a clip of two women "pole dancing" to an old Bollywood song has gone viral on social media and left users enraged.
The video, shared on Twitter by user @HasnaZarooriHai, opens with the duo circling around the pole of the train while lip-syncing 'Main To Beghar Hoon', a song from the film 'Suhaag', starring Parveen Babi and Shashi Kapoor. The clip also shows one of the women sitting down and hanging to the pole, while another continues to circle around her.
"After porn, kissing and fighting in Delhi Metro. The latest is Pole Dancing," the caption of the post read.
Watch the video below:
The location and identity of the duo is not known. The clip was shared on Twitter on Thursday and since then it has accumulated more than 302,000 views.
In the comment section, while some users expressed their disapproval of the performance, others questioned their behaviour. "Delhi metro needs serious check-up if true, it seems like a new location for reel makers," commented one user. "When shameless meets mannerless, this feat happens," said another.
A third user wrote, "DMRC When are you going to take action against such people? They aren't only disturbing other passengers but demeaning metro service".
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A fourth user tagged the official accounts of DMRC, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi Police, Home Minister Amit Shah, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said, "Please stop these kind of people who thinks that metro is their private mansion to do all these stuff.
Please identify who these are and take strict action".
Notably, DMRC, earlier this year, asked commuters not to shoot videos inside Delhi Metro trains with a popular meme template. "Metro mein travel karein trouble nahi (Travel in the metro, do not cause trouble)," it said in Hindi.