Virat Kohli turned 30 on Monday with wishes pouring in from all corners, but it's one from former Indian opener and current Twitter comedy king Virender Sehwag that takes the cake. About one hour ago, Virender Sehwag took to Twitter to wish Virat Kohli on his birthday in his trademark hilarious style. "On this Dhanteras, wish you a year that is again filled with Runteras," wrote Sehwag, completing his tweet with a hashtag that has been trending on Twitter this morning: Happy Birthday Virat.
Also accompanying the hilarious tweet is a picture of a young Virat Kohli with Sehwag. Take a look:
On this Dhanteras, wish you a year that is again filled with Runteras. #HappyBirthdayVirat
- Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) November 5, 2018
Since being shared online, the witty tweet has collected over 7,000 'likes' and a ton of responses, with some praising Sehwag's humour and others wishing Virat Kohli.
Sirji two legends in one pic....
- Naman_S (@NamanSinghania_) November 5, 2018
Viru never fails! Happy Birthday Champ! @imVkohli
- Chinmay Salvi (@ChinyaSalvi) November 5, 2018
On This Dhanteras Day happy birthday #Kohli . hope your Bat shell continue to fire crackers
- Mk Suvrath (@KumarSuvrath) November 5, 2018
Virender Sehwag often wishes friends and family with hilarious tweets. In the past, his witty birthday wishes for everyone from Shah Rukh Khan to his wife Aarti have gone viral with tons of reactions.
Happy birthday,Virat Kohli! We too wish you a year that is filled with Runteras.
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