This Article is From Dec 04, 2017

Watch: Astronauts Making Pizza In Zero Gravity Looks Out Of The World

Watch how astronauts at the International Space Station make pizzas


Astronuats at the International Space Station show off the pizzas they made.

Being in space and all is cool, but have you ever tried pizza? Astronauts at the International Space Station missed pizza so much, they were sent the ingredients to make the delicious pies in space. The result? A pizza party in zero gravity.

According to Paolo Nespoli, an Italian astronaut who is currently at the International Space Station as part of Expedition 53, the topic of pizzas was 'casually' brought up with their boss during a live public event.

Following this, the manager of the ISS, Kirk Shireman, surprised the astronauts in space with the ingredients needed to make pizzas.

A video uploaded by NASA's Johnson Space Center shows the crew working together to create pizzas.
Watch the video below:


Curious about how good they tasted? Well, according to Mr Nespoli, pizzas in space were 'unexpectedly delicious', while astronaut Randy Bresnik called all the pizzas 'tasty'.

According to reports, ingredients for the pizza as well as an ice cream truck were launched into space on Sunday morning from Virginia, USA.
