Union Minister Kiren Rijiju recently shared a heartwarming video with his daughter Mysha. In the clip, shared on X (formerly Twitter), Mr Rijiju is seen plucking "fresh and sweet" lemons from trees in his backyard with his daughter. In the caption of his post, the minister even urged his fans and followers to grow fruit trees, because there is "nothing like fresh fruits from own backyard".
"Nothing like "Fresh Fruits" from own backyard, So grow more Fruit Trees. Plucked some fresh & sweet Lemon with my Daughter Mysha," Mr Rijiju wrote on X.
Watch the video below:
Mr Rijiju shared the clip just a day back and since then it has accumulated more than 134,000 views and over 4,600 likes. In the comments section, several users shared their thoughts.
"Every kid deserves such experiences in their lives. Nothing can match up to these beautiful memories," wrote one user. "That sounds delightful! Growing fruit trees in your backyard not only provides fresh and sweet fruits but also creates wonderful bonding moments like picking fresh lemons with your daughter. Enjoy those refreshing and homegrown treats!" expressed another.
"In your world, love is the melody that orchestrates moments of pure connection. Each note, a testament to the symphony of emotions shared between kindred spirits. Let's celebrate the magic of love," commented a third user. "Beautiful backyard garden, fresh fruits, kids laughing, what a blissful time. Enjoy sir!" added another.
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"I remember when I was kid , me along with my cousins were plucking fresh mangoes at our farm house...!! Memorable childhood days in a big joint family house hmm," recalled one user.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Mr Rijiju recently represented India at the oath-taking of Maldivian president-elect Mohamed Muizzu. Widely seen as a pro-China leader, Mr Muizzu defeated incumbent President Solih in the presidential runoff in September. In a statement, the MEA said that the high-level ministerial representation from India at the inaugural ceremony underscores India's commitment to further deepen the substantive cooperation and robust people-to-people ties between the two countries.