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This Article is From Aug 13, 2020

Watch: Mum Buys Gate To Keep Baby Out Of Kitchen. It Doesn't Go As Planned

"Gate Baby for President 2070," a twitter user quipped.

Offbeat Written by

A one-year-old was filmed lifting a safety gate to enter the kitchen.

Many parents purchase safety gates to keep their babies and toddlers away from stairs or other potentially dangerous places in the house. Maryland resident Janael Palmer recently bought one to keep her one-year-old out of the kitchen, where he would take snacks and throw veggies around, as children do. Turns out, however, that this flimsy gate was no match for the determined toddler, who simply lifted it up to enter the kitchen, cool as a cucumber.

A hilarious video that has left social media users in splits shows Baby Palmer calmly lifting the gate to enter the kitchen and putting it back in its place. The toddler was then filmed taking a snack, throwing it over the gate meant to keep him out of the kitchen and exiting it by once again lifting the gate up.

Talk about a smart cookie!

Janael Palmer shared the hilarious video on Facebook two days ago, where it has left thousands amused. "Purchased a gate to keep my one year old out of the kitchen from taking snacks and throwing my veggies around the kitchen. Well guess what the joke was on me," she wrote. 

The video has collected 18,000 'shares' and more than 3,000 amused comments since being posted on Facebook. It was also shared on Twitter, where it has again gone viral and left thousands in splits.

The clip has collected 9 lakh views on the microblogging platform, where many were left laughing at the baby. 


"This is a very bright child and he is also well mannered. I love how he made sure the drawer was all the way closed and the gate was let all the way down both times. Then he threw the apple sauce over the gate because holding it while lifting it would be too much work," wrote one Twitter user.

"Gate Baby for President 2070," another quipped.


This is not the first time a snack-stealing toddler has been caught in the act. Last month, a toddler from Connecticut, US, was caught red-handed by her grandmother stealing snacks from the kitchen, and tried to escape punishment by pretending to be asleep.
